Chocolate Cookies, Trips to the Pub and McDonald's Visits
This is about as far from ‘traditional’ diet advice as you’ll ever get. It’s not a scare story about carbs … I’m not about to tell you that you have to count every single calorie that goes into your mouth … I’m not even going to ask that you give up your favourite foods like chocolate, bread, or even wine and beer.
But, give me 5 minutes, and I’ll tell you about perhaps the quickest, easiest, (and tastiest!) way to lose weight and keep it off for life.
Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything, I promise you, this page could revolutionise the way you think about weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating more radically than you ever thought possible.
Before we start though, there’s one thing you should know about me.
I am not a medical doctor.
I’m not a dietitian or nutritionist either. And I’m certainly not going to try and sell you supplements or coax you into any fad diet or harsh detox.
I’m Ethan.
And I’m just a guy who’s spent years working with clients ‘in the trenches,’ practicing my craft, and learning everything you need to know about losing weight safely, sustainably and keeping it off.
My methods are unusual.
But they’re also the most fun you’ll ever have losing weight.

The Nutrition Industry Has Been Lying to You
That’s a bold statement to make. Especially when there are so many personal trainers, weight loss coaches, doctors and nutritionists out there making good money from ‘helping’ people to lose weight.
I’m not in the business of calling these professionals out. But then, I’m not in the business of making money either.
The Truths
Giving you the Unbiased, Unadulterated TRUTH about what really works when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off.
Before we start with what DOES work, I want to quickly run through what doesn’t work.
Its Simple
See, despite how complicated the nutrition industry makes weight loss seem, it’s actually pretty simple.
Not only can you lose weight, but you can do it eating foods you love, without hours and hours of needless exercise.
Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Better yet? You can lose that weight AND keep it off. In the past, perhaps you’ve tried diets? You’ve done the whole carb-cutting thing, you’ve counted calories, you’ve gone to Weight Watchers and Slimming World, and maybe even tried a juice fast or detox. (I know many of my clients have.)And what’s happened? You’ve lost weight …… but then it’s gone back on again!
Maybe it’s taken 6 months, maybe 6 weeks, maybe even just a fortnight. But, whatever the length of time, all the weight you lost has gone back on, and all the hard work you put in? Lost. But here’s the thing: It’s Not Your Fault.
Oftentimes, the weight they’ve put on has been GREATER than the amount lost in the first place.
And here’s why …

Your Body HATES Dieting.
(And Scientists Have Proven This.)
Another Bold Claim a study from the American Society for Clinical Nutrition found that over 80% of dieters couldn’t maintain the weight they’d lost for a year.
This shocking statistic means that more than 4 in 5 dieters will regain every last pound after they finish their diet, and many will gain even more than that back. Here’s the proof while some people claim a lack of discipline or willpower is to blame, this simply isn’t true. I’ve worked with enough clients and read enough research in my time to know that some of the most dedicated, disciplined dieters have regained the weight they lost.
Right about now you’re probably wondering – “Okay then Ethan, if you’re saying that even those who really try are doomed to regain all the weight they lose, does that mean I shouldn’t even try?
Am I better off avoiding any diet in the first place, and just accepting that I’ll always be this weight? Does all this really come down to genetics?”
See, what I didn’t say was that discipline and dedication (or lack of) is really only a very small part of the puzzle. The real culprit? The diet followed to lose the weight in the first place.
And this is where we find out WHY your body hates ‘dieting.’
Most diets revolve around two ideas
1. Grossly reducing calorie intake.
2. Cutting out foods or food groups.
Take Atkins for example – you eat fewer calories because you completely ban carbs. A detox diet removes meat, fish, dairy products and grains, thereby reducing calories.
A low-fat diet also takes out meat and dairy, as well as butter, oils, nuts and seeds, and brings about a huge drop in calories.
Any diet where you’re drinking shakes? Well, that gets rid of food full stop. And again, your calories will be incredibly (read: dangerously) low.
Herein lies the issues … The low-calorie intake wreaks havoc on your metabolism. The rate your body burns calories drops, you become incredibly hungry, you move around less, and your metabolism grinds to a shuddering halt.

Have You Ever Found That When You First Start A Diet, The Weight Loss Is Fast, But Then The Longer You Carry On, The Less Weight You Lose Each Week, Until Eventually, You’re Not Losing Anything?
This is one of the key signs that your metabolism is slowing, due to a chronically low calorie intake. And one of the major perils of traditional dieting. Thing is, you do need to lower your calories to lose weight. But do it too much, and you’re only setting yourself up for long-term failure and weight regain. Our second huge reason why these diets never work is because they create huge cravings. You might be thinking –
- “But Ethan, diets are supposed to be hard.
- I’m meant to struggle.
- If I enjoyed what I ate, I probably wouldn’t be losing any weight.”
Sorry, I hate to burst any bubbles. But dieting shouldn’t result in any huge cravings.
- You can be full.
- You can eat good foods.
- You can have ‘junk’ and still get results.
- Heck - you can have chocolate chip cookies,
- McDonald’s, and visit the pub while dropping pounds and getting slimmer and leaner.
In fact, you’ll get better results, because the craving monster is kept at bay. It’s these 2 reasons – the low-calorie intake and the removal of food groups and increased cravings – that make losing weight long-term virtually impossible.
Unfortunately, many of my peers in the fitness and nutrition industry are still preaching these old rules:
- No carbs after 6.
- No alcohol.
- No sugar.
- No dairy.
- No gluten.
- No additives and preservatives.
- No sweeteners and diet drinks.
The list goes on … I was a die-hard supporter of strict weight loss dieting, and believed that anyone who didn’t conform with this simply wasn’t dedicated. (By now, you and I both know this is just plain wrong)
That system is called Project BLAZE
If I were you, here’s what I’d be thinking right now: “Okay Ethan, so you’ve told me all about this ‘amazing’ system. Well I want to see exactly what kind of results I can
I was hoping you’d ask this.
Most trainers don’t like putting their money where their mouth is. They talk the talk, but rarely do they walk the walk. They might have one, (maybe two) okay testimonials that they bring out time after time after time. I hate that. I want you to have complete and utter confidence in the Project Blaze system, so that even if you leave here today without doing anything else, you know that –
- This system is credible.
- It works for everyone.
- You can take the information presented here and start to use it for yourself.
Here’s an example of the results that you can achieve through the Project Blaze system:

I’ll stress again that these results are typical. I didn’t just pick the most ‘dedicated’ results … The ones who’d trained and dieted the longest … The genetic elite … I wanted to show you a completely honest selection of the wide range of people I’ve worked with these past few years. I’m not here to tell you that these results are impressive. I’d rather you looked, and made up your own mind. And, offer you the chance that, if you want the same kind of results like this, you can fast-track to that right now by clicking below:
The Secret Sauce.
I wish I could tell you that the dieting system you’ve just read about is THE mystery component, or the key that unlocks the kingdom to lifelong weight loss without giving up your favourite foods. I wish I could tell you it was the training. (Which I know we haven’t talked about yet, but I can assure you is just as personalised and just as stress-free as the eating side of things.) Unfortunately, I can’t.
The sad fact of the matter is, that despite the fact eating and training should be all that’s needed for you to lose weight, that simply isn’t true. I Lied Earlier. I said that diets like Atkins, Weight Watchers and detoxes don’t work.
They do.
At least, anyone can lose weight on them for a few weeks, before they just get too damn hard. It’s impossible to function (let alone live life!) while you’re following them, and as such, you give up. And that’s when the weight goes back on. See, the one thing that’s missing here (and in almost all commercial diets out there) is:
- Accountability.
- Support.
- Having that helping hand on your shoulder.
Someone in your corner to guide you through any troubles, listen to your struggles, and give you clear, concise and comforting advice on exactly what to do whenever you’re in doubt. How many times have you started a diet or training plan, only to think – “Man, this is pretty tough.” That’s entirely normal. In fact, if you didn’t feel like that, something would be wrong. What with social events, nights out, work dos, seeing friends, and those stressful days when it feels like some crisps or chocolate, along with a nice glass of Malbec
or a frosty, cold, refreshing Peroni are the only logical ways to chill out and unwind …
Losing weight is not easy!
Call me ‘Captain Obvious,’ but if it was easy, don’t you think everyone would be walking round with their dream body 24/7? So this is where that extra step comes in, and where it’s
not just diet and training. Where Project Blaze excels is the fact that you have me in your corner. I’m there for your personal support and motivation. Not only is the diet and training tailored to your specific schedule, genetics, body type and food preferences, but the support is too. Look –
Some people are lone warriors.
They like to be given a plan and then let loose.
They say to me – “Ethan”. Leave me alone. No offence, but I can do this on my own. You tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it.” Other people need a little more. You might need a brief daily check-in to make sure you’re okay. Maybe you need some reassurance every now and again to keep you on track. Perhaps your job is super stressful, and you’re forever
being invited out for meals and drinks, and your friends, despite the fact they mean well, are the WORST for teasing and tempting you away from your ultimate weight loss goals.
This, again, is 100% okay.
If you sign up to Project Blaze, then in my role as your coach, I’m here for whatever you need. Whether that’s as simple as me giving you your training and nutrition plans, stepping back and just being there for the odd question and your weekly check-in to make sure we’re still making progress …
… or you’re a little intimidated by losing weight.
… you’ve had bad experiences in the past.
… you’re worried about how easily you could fall off track.
Or, you just want to be absolutely certain that you’re doing everything possible to get the best results you can. I’m cool with that.
You get 24/7 access to me via Whatsapp and email, plus a load more support that I’d love to tell you about in just a moment …
WAIT! This is NOT for Everyone
I’d love to say that 1:1 Project Blaze coaching was open to everyone. Unfortunately, I can’t.
Keeping a 100% success rate is very important to me. That means that coaching is not going to be right for every person reading this. Chances are, if you’ve got this far, you’ll be perfect for this. After all, you’ve taken time out of your day to come here, read this page, and are already way ahead of where you were 10 minutes ago. But unlike other trainers, having the funds to invest is not the only thing you need to become a client. That’s why, before we go any further, I’d like to offer you the chance to apply for Project Blaze:
I have a small (yet firm and fair) set of criteria that all clients need to meet before we get started. You don’t need to have professional athlete levels of fitness. You don’t need to be a certain shape, weight or age. And you DEFINITELY don’t need to be willing to commit to any super strict training plan or bland, boring, repetitive diet. But you do need to be invested in the process, have a life outside of the gym, and be someone who’s dedicated and disciplined, but fun, too.
See, losing weight should be enjoyable, and my rule is – I ONLY want to work with people I’d be happy to go for a pint (or diet Coke) with. I genuinely believe that for coaching to work, we need to get on. So how about we schedule a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another?
“Hold on Ethan - How Much Does this Cost?”
Ah, the eternal question – what’s the cost?
I could be one of those shady marketers, and tell you that it’s not a cost, it’s an investment, or refuse to reveal the price until we’re on the phone, where I try to hard-sell you into some super-expensive program. But I don’t believe in doing that. I value your time and want to be completely and utterly transparent.
The cost for all this …
- Your personalised program.
- The diet based around not only what your body needs to lose weight, but the foods you enjoy eating.
- Weekly check-ins with me where we’ll troubleshoot. any issues you’re having, and ensure you’re making the best progress possible.
- All the accountability and support I provide.
- And my personal guarantee that I’ll do everything in my power to get you to your dream body, with a slimmer, leaner, stronger, sexier (and happier) physique.
… is less than £130 per month.
To be precise, it’s £129 per month.
But think about that for a moment:
The average mid-range gym membership costs £50 per month. Just one single session with a personal trainer is £45. Add in a few classes or a tub of ‘fat burner pills’ and you’re at £129. But this doesn’t even come close to what you get with Project Blaze coaching.
- NO diet.
- NO personalisation.
- NO accountability.
- NO extra support.
- NO guarantee of results.
And, from what I know from my time in the industry, I’d put money on that trainer giving you a boring, generic plan, and a diet plan that has you eating little more than chicken breasts, vegetables and dry crackers.
If you don’t want that ^^^
And instead, feel you’d get better results, more value, more support, more accountability, more FUN and ultimately, achieve a body you can be truly proud of (and keep it) then I can honestly say that applying for Project Blaze coaching will be a decision you never regret.
Just to show I only have your best interests in mind, how about this – If you apply and are accepted as a client, I have a 100%, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. I’m so confident that you’ll not only love the service, but get the results you truly want, that I’ll put my money where my mouth is by offering you all your money back if you’re not happy.
If you are still unsure and have some questions… What if I am away on Holiday….? What if I think I am too old….? Have a look at my FAQ’s page maybe I will answer some of those questions now! Or alternatively just book in a call with me and we can talk it over and make sure you are happy.